Introducing EDGE Spartan 6 FPGA Development Board!

All About FPGA brings you a feature rich development board for FPGA learners community.

EDGE Spartan 6 FPGA Development Board 06
EDGE Spartan 6 FPGA Development board is the feature rich development board with Spartan 6 FPGA, SPI FLASH, ADC, DAC, LCD, 7 segment Display, Stereo Jack, VGA, PS2, WiFi, Bluetooth. The Board also provides additional interface like CMOS Camera and TFT Display at the expansion connectors.

Note: The EDGE Spartan 6 FPGA Development board is fully compatible with Xilinx ISE, EDK, System Generator and ChipscopePro Tools at ease with on-board USB JTAG Interface.

EDGE Board Features

  • Xilinx XC6SLX9 Spartan-6 FPGA IC
  • 8MB SPI FLASH Memory
  • On-Board USB JTAG Programmer
  • USB UART Interface
  • WIFI Interface
  • Low Power Bluetooth Interface
  • CMOS Camera Interface
  • TFT Display Interface
  • 12 bit VGA Interface
  • 8 Channel SPI ADC
  • Temperature Sensor
  • LDR Interface
  • 2×16 LCD Display
  • 4 Digit Seven Segment Display
  • 5v Buzzer
  • PS2 compatible USB interface
  • 16 Slide switches
  • 16 LEDs
  • 5 Push Button
  • 50 MHz Clock

The EDGE Spartan 6 FPGA Development Board can be used to develop various application ranging from

IoT (Internet of Things)

The EDGE board features on board WiFi ready chip. Which enable lot of cloud based applications ranging from Smart Home, Patient Monitoring, Security alert, smart shopping, irrigation management, industrial production monitoring, smart supply chain and lot more.

The Kit also features Low Power Bluetooth 4.0 BLE module act as beacon which braodcast their identity to the nearby Portable electronic devices.

Video and Image Processing Application

The EDGE board consist of CMOS Camera, TFT, 12 bit VGA and USB UART. All this features help us to develop video and image processing application such us Moving object detection, compression, Noise removal, surveillance system with cloud and lot more.

Gaming Applications

The EDGE Board provides VGA, seven segment, buzzer, Stereo Jack and keyboard/mouse interface. it facilitates development of gaming applications like Ping Pong Game, space invador, Pac Man,  Tic Tac Toe, tetris and lot more.

Arithmetic Algorithm realization

The Board features 16 no. of slide switches, 16 no. of LED, 5 no. of Push Button and 2×16 LCD. Lot of I/O modules help us to realize 16 bit arithmetic operations at ease.

Sensor based application

The EDGE Board consist of 8 channel ADC and single channel DAC interface. ADC 2 channels are connected with temperature sensor and LDR. Remaining 6 channels can be used to implement various analog sensors like Heart beat, Sound senser, Presser sensor and lot more.

EDGE board in your hand can create end less applications.

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